
For the future of the human race, society, and
the global environment
Approach to sustainability
Furukawa Electric Power Systems Co., Ltd. (FEPS) is working for a sustainable society by helping to solve social issues while fulfilling our responsibility to society.
Each company in the Furukawa Electric Group conducts business activities in line with the Group’s values and philosophy.
FEPS and the SDGs
From protecting natural resources to aiming for a safe, secure, and comfortable lifestyle for all people, FEPS recognizes the importance of understanding various global issues and providing solutions. FEPS is making efforts toward the 17 goals of the SDGs as listed below.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of international goals aiming for a sustainable and better world by 2030. The SDGs are listed in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which was adopted by the UN Sustainable Development Summit held in September 2015 building on the success of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) that had been set in 2001. The SDGs consist of 17 goals and 169 targets, and pledge to “leave no one behind” on the Earth.
Examples of efforts
End poverty in all its forms everywhere
Efforts by FEPS
- Help eliminate poverty by developing and providing products which are useful for the development of electric power infrastructure.
End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
Efforts by FEPS
- Contribute to sustainable agriculture by developing and providing products that support solar power, wind power, and other forms of generating renewable energy.
Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
Efforts by FEPS
- To ensure the physical and mental health of employees, promote health management through activities such as health checkups, stress checks, counseling by specialists, and the development of systems which consider work-life balance.
- Contribute to the purification of air, water, and soil through efforts to generate renewable energy.
Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Efforts by FEPS
- Based on the belief that human resources are the most important management resource, hold various training to pass on the ideas of “valuing employees,” “valuing new technology,” and other concepts from the philosophy of the Furukawa Electric Group’s founder.
- Hold tours, seminars, and other events to convey the benefits of electricity to children who will lead the next generation.
Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
Efforts by FEPS
- Based on the belief that human resources are the most important management resource, engage in activities such as formulating guidelines to prevent harassment, establishing consultation services, and promoting internal awareness toward respect for human rights.
- Create workplaces where women can achieve even greater success.
Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
Efforts by FEPS
- Help protect ecosystems and purify water by reforming factory equipment and developing products in order to support various natural environments.
Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
Efforts by FEPS
- Contribute to the development of renewable energy while responding to customer requests for achieving a decarbonized society by 2050.
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
Efforts by FEPS
- Aim to achieve work-life balance through efforts such as work style reforms for shortening total working hours and improvements of personnel systems and working environments.
- Focus on human resources cultivation and educational opportunities which enable employees to feel job satisfaction and experience growth.
- Recognize our employee’s rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining. Also periodically hold labor-management conferences on themes such as the creation of a comfortable working environment, safety and hygiene, health management, and welfare programs.
Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
Efforts by FEPS
- In addition to responding to the increasingly diverse and sophisticated needs of research institutes and customers, utilize our strength in materials to create innovative electrical technology in a wide range of fields.
Reduce inequality within and among countries
Efforts by FEPS
- Work to ensure respect for international human rights norms such as the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
Efforts by FEPS
- Contribute to a safe, secure, and comfortable lifestyle by advancing and strengthening power transmission and distribution systems (including renewable energy), and by developing new technologies and products in infrastructure fields such as disaster prevention, information, and mobility.
Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
Efforts by FEPS
- Use eco-friendly materials in our products to reduce environmental impact throughout the product life cycle.
- Promote energy conservation and reduce CO2 emissions from our business activities.
- Engage in CSR procurement.
Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
Efforts by FEPS
- Contribute to the development of renewable energy while responding to customer requests for achieving a decarbonized society by 2050.
- Prepare for natural disasters through measures for safety, disaster preparedness, and disaster mitigation.
Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
Efforts by FEPS
- Help protect ecosystems and purify water by reforming factory equipment and developing products in order to support various natural environments.
- Strive to conserve the marine ecosystem, and contribute to sustainable use and conservation of the ocean.
Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
Efforts by FEPS
- Encourage the spread of renewable energy with the aim of achieving a recycling-oriented society in harmony with nature.
- Help protect ecosystems and purify water by reforming factory equipment and developing products in order to support various natural environments.
Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
Efforts by FEPS
- Engage in thorough compliance, maintain high ethical standards, and conduct business activities in a transparent and fair manner.
- Work to ensure respect for international human rights norms such as the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
Efforts by FEPS
- Strengthen fair transactions and relationships of trust with our suppliers.
- Cooperate with universities, research institutes, power companies, and transport companies to promote open innovation and take on the challenge of creating new value.
- Construct a sustainable supply chain based on the understanding that fast restoration of power infrastructure during a disaster is an important role of a manufacturer which supports infrastructure.
Efforts to reduce environmental impact
Based on the following Basic Environmental Policy, FEPS conducts business activities while considering the reduction of environmental impact.
Environmental policy
Basic environmental philosophy
Regarding the Earth’s environment as being of the utmost importance, FEPS actively strives to maintain and improve the natural, social, and living environments while fulfilling our corporate social obligations.
Basic environmental policy
- Ascertain the environmental impact of our corporate activities, conserve the environment by reducing that impact as much as possible, and continuously improve our environmental management system.
- Prevent pollution and reduce environmental impact by complying with environmental laws/regulations related to business activities and with agreed-upon requirements.
- In the fields of product development, design, manufacturing, and sales, promote environmental conservation activities based on the following priority items.
- 1. Conserve energy in order to prevent global warming
- 2. Reduce waste and recycle materials in order to effectively utilize resources and reduce environmental impact
- 3. Develop and provide products that reduce environmental impact
- 4. Thoroughly manage chemical substances
- In order to achieve our Basic Environmental Policy, set environmental objectives and targets, and have employees in all departments cooperate in activities aimed at preserving and repairing the environment. Periodically review these environmental objectives and targets in response to changes inside and outside our company.
- Thoroughly raise awareness of all employees toward the Policy and hold education to increase employee consciousness toward environmental conservation. Communicate with partner companies and request their cooperation.
- Disclose the Policy upon external request.

Water treatment equipment at Nagai Works. We reduce environmental impact by using a high-performance filter to treat water containing heavy metals.

We recycle pallets. (At the Kumamoto Works, we reduced annual wood waste by 10 tons)

Employees carefully sort waste in order to efficiently utilize resources.

We plant flowers at each business site as part of environmental beautification.

At Yokosuka Works, we use freight railroads for at least a certain ratio of product transportation. As a result, we received Eco-Rail Mark certification.
Together with stakeholders
FEPS conducts various activities to foster relationships of trust with stakeholders and grow together.

We periodically conduct safety education at all business sites in order to raise awareness for occupational safety.

We opened a Safety Dojo for training that simulates dangerous operations. (Left: Kumamoto Works, Right: Nagai Works)

FEPS holds meetings for our President and young employees to exchange opinions on diversity and work style reforms.

An FEPS employee gives a lecture at an elementary school. He is teaching children about the benefits of electricity.

In the 2023 SDGs Greening Project, the Flower Arrangement Club at Hiratsuka Works is working to increase the number of golden pothos plants and provide those plants to customers and the public as a way to strengthen partnerships.

Cookie sales in collaboration with the Yokohama City Health and Welfare Bureau and the NPO Asta Eda, which supports the independence of local people with disabilities.
Tianjin Furukawa Power Component Co., Ltd.

Firefighting drills in cooperation with local fire brigade

Safety training
Furukawa Electric Power Systems (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

Safety Activities Periodic Meeting

Firefighting drills

Declaration for eliminating use of conflict minerals*.
In order to fulfill our corporate social responsibility, the FEPS procurement policy is to not use any conflict minerals.
Declaration for eliminating use of conflict minerals
In order to fulfill our corporate social responsibility, the FEPS procurement policy is to not use any conflict minerals.
We constantly share information on conflict minerals regulations with our business partners and related parties, and request their understanding and cooperation with the FEPS procurement policy.
If we discover questionable materials or parts, we will immediately cease usage and procure appropriate alternative materials or parts.
- * Conflict minerals: A detailed definition is provided in Section 1502 (Conflict minerals) of the Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank Act) enacted by the United States on July 21, 2010. The Act obligates companies listed on the U.S. stock market to investigate their entire supply chain for use of conflict minerals (gold, tin, tantalum, and tungsten) produced in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and nine neighboring countries in product functions or products. Companies must report the results of their investigation to the SEC (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission).